Daftar Penulis: Muchamad Adam Basori

English Bazaar: The Students' Market Place
Rabu, 4 Mei 2016 . in Berita . 807 views

English Language Center (PPBI) Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University have facilitated students who need to revamp their merchandising in relation to the improvement of English-spoken skills and the great opportunity of students’ sale on the market (English Bazaar: The Students’ Market Place). Students of non-English departments conducted students’ sale yesterday at May 3rd 2016 in building C first floor. Most non-English departments at UIN MALIKI Malang contributed their performance-related English spoken skills to attract prospective buyers to buy students’ products on display. They were required to attract the consumers as many as possible in the use of marketable English language functions. The language functions, such as inviting, offering, and other related pragmatic language used in service encounters were practically applied into best practices of such students’ marketable products as food, beverages, fashion, sport, music instruments, trinkets, stationery, electronic devices, ticketing, and health medicine.

The students’ market was successfully undertaken by the Language Center (PPB), Dr. H. Syaiful Mustofa, M. Ag. who appreciated the program. Dr. H. Langgeng Budianto, M. Pd. who leads PPBI also supported it enthusiastically. The students’ market place run from 10 am to 5 pm was officially opened by Dr. H. Sutaman, MA.

The program was mostly attended by students who did some window shopping and, finally bought a variety of products. In addition to the service encounters between vendors and customers, students pragmatically spoke English with one another and proved that they are able to use English expressions. Thus, the program is worth-conducting and English conversations are on the increase. (MAB)

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