GEMA-8 days after becoming the Rector of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Prof. Dr. M. Zainuddin, MA. directly inaugurates his four partners or the so-called vice rectors. The agenda is placed at the lobby of Rectorate Building 1st floor at 1PM, Thursday (5/8). All deans and significant leaders in the campus are present to witness the new people that will have urgent roles in the advancement of UIN Malang.
After the assessment done by the university senate members, the four people elected are: Dr. M. Agus Maimun, M.Pd. (Vice Rector for Academics Affairs), Dr. Ilfi Nurdiana, S.Ag., M.Si. (VR for Public Administration, Planning and Finance), Dr. Ahmad Fatah Yasin, M.Ag. (VR for Students Affairs), and Dr. Isroqunnajah, M.Ag. (VR for Cooperation and Institution Development).
In his after-inauguration speech, Prof. Zainuddin states that he expects the four VRs will work along with him side by side. He reminds the VRs that this period is the time to globalize the university. Thus, it is considered a difficult period. Being given the new and higher position in the Ulul Albab Campus is not something to brag about. "The higher position means the heavier our jobs are," said rector.
He asks all leaders in campus to put their heads together for goods. He wants nothing except that UIN Malang will live up to its name, being the center of Islamic civilization. The rector once again emphasized, "Let's work in the name of Allah the Almighty. He will hold us responsible for what we are entrusted in the world." (nd)